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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up (August 8-10)

This past weekend was awesome and we spent a lot of quality time as family. On Friday, Dave and I rode to work together and it worked out well because we picked up the kids on our way home from work. It had been a really long week so we decided to go out to eat. We've learned that going to eat early works really well with the kids because it's well before their bed time. After we were finished eating, I thought we should head to Cherry Berry in Ankeny to have dessert. Both kids loved it and R-man couldn't seem to get enough.
Cherry Berry_Ankeny
The kids enjoying Cherry Berry. R-man loved it!
After we got home we got ready for bed and the kids went to bed early. Dave and I weren't far behind them. On Saturday, they were both up around 6:30, but that was fine because I had to get ready and head to the Y to teach cycling at 8:00. I knew there wouldn't be many people due to it being the weekend before school begins and it was nice weather. I only had a couple ladies, but still managed to provide them a good workout.

Later that day, Little-C and I ran some errands and we got caught up on a few things around the house.  Dave and I even managed to pack up a few boxes. The walls in the basement are starting to look a bit bare, but we only have 44 days until we move. We'd better start packing a bit more frequently in the evenings and on the weekend.

On Sunday, we got ready and headed to the Iowa State Fair. The gates opened at 9 a.m. so we wanted to be there early before the crowds started rolling in. We wanted to be sure to hit the highlights - The Animal Learning Center, Little Hands on the Farm, Ag Building and the Iowa Food & Family Project Sand Sculpture in the Varied Industries Building. 

The first stop was the Animal Learning Center. As you can see both kids loved seeing the animals. R-man got so excited and has learned how to point so it was hilarious watching him.

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R-man checking out the ducks.
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Little-C is loving the chickens.
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R-man getting so excited about the chickens.
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Little-C is always amazed by the cows no matter how often she see's them at Grandpa's.
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R-man is so excited about the baby calf and always pointing to make sure we know what he's looking at.
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The baby pigs drinking their mama's milk was the highlight of the Animal Learning Center.
The second stop was Little Hands on the Farm. This was a fun learning experience for Little-C and I think she liked driving the John Deere tractor the best. She cried when it was time to get off of it. Needless to say, her Grandpa Bruck would be proud. 

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Picking up the corn at Little Hands on the Farm
Little Hands on the Farm_Iowa State Fair
Making sure to pick the right onion at Little Hands on the Farm.
Little Hands on the Farm_Iowa State Fair
So proud of have filled her basket with vegetables.
Little Hands on the Farm_Iowa State Fair
She was a bit scared to get an egg even though the chickens are fake.
Little Hands on the Farm_Iowa State Fair
The mini grain bin with the Iowa Corn signage about farming facts.
Little Hands on the Farm_Iowa State Fair
This was their favorite part.
Little Hands on the Farm_Iowa State Fair
Excited to feed the corn to the cows.
Little Hands on the Farm_Iowa State Fair
Not quite sure about milking the cow.
Our next visit was to the Ag Building to get our photo in front of the green screen. We had to choose corn since I work for Iowa Corn. The kids didn't love it as you can tell from their expressions.
Iowa Corn_Iowa State Fair
They didn't exactly love getting their photo taken.
After we left the Ag Building, we headed to get our yearly photo inside the tractor tire. Little-C enjoyed sitting on the smaller tractors as well. 
Loving the tractor.
Little-C in the tractor tire ( 2 yrs. 7 mths.)
Trying to act quickly so R-man doesn't fall out. (1 year)
Next, we headed inside the Varied Industries Building to check out the Iowa Food & Family Project sand sculpture and the Iowa State exhibit and we found our names on the Alumni wall. This is proof that we did graduate from ISU. And, we had to get a photo of the ISU Men's Basketball Championship trophy. 

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Food & Family Project sand sculpture at the Iowa State Fair.
Alumni Wall_Iowa State Fair
We did graduate from ISU.
The ISU Men's Basketball Tournament Championship Trophy.
We had to get our photo taken with the most photographed statue at the Iowa State Fair this year, "American Gothic."  
American Gothic_Iowa State Fair
American Gothic Statue. This is the best photo we got.
The kids were great throughout the entire day and Little-C loved going down the slide with her Daddy. Too bad it's $2.50 to go down the thing, just once. I won't go down the thing because amusement rides scare me. I'm glad Dave love's them.
Giant Slide_Iowa State Fair
She loved the slide and begged to go again.
Little-C and R-man at the 2014 State Fair
Later on Sunday afternoon, we realized we now have a 1-year old and he's a boy so he's curious about everything. He has learned how to crawl up the stairs so we need to watch him every second.
Our little stair climber.

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