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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up (August 2 & 3)

This past weekend was a whirlwind and I'm wishing it was Friday. Today, I went to get Dave's car washed and took both kids with me. On the way to the wash, I asked Little-C what day it is tomorrow and she answered Friday, gosh how I wish that was true!!

On Friday evening, my parents came up since they had a scheduled massage with Jill Hanna at All about Massage. Jill does an awesome job and if you've never had a massage with "cups" you should try it sometime. It's calling a cupping massage and it's amazing, but you're back may look as if you've been hit in perfectly round circles once she's finished. When the cups are applied, they'll leave marks where you are tense. My back tends to be like that from time to time.

On Saturday morning, we ate a nice breakfast and headed to Urbandale for my parents massage. My Dad and I dropped my Mom off and we headed to my office so he could see what it looked like. I've been there about a year and a half and he hasn't seen where I go everyday!

After my parents were finished, we came back home for a nice lunch!  After lunch, my parents headed outside to shuck 110 ears of corn. Dave and I were excited to freeze some this year since the kids seem to love it. Dave was in charge of blanching the corn, I would cut it off the cob and then Dave would bag it in quart bags and freeze it. We ended up getting 30 quart bags. When the snow is flying this fall,fresh sweetcorn mixed with a little butter will be perfect!

After we were finished with the corn, Dave and I quickly got ready to head out to the Iowa Speedway in Newton. Kenny Wallace was going to make an appearance in the Iowa Corn suite, so we wanted to have the chance to meet him. Dave kept telling me how funny he was, but I didn't believe him until I heard him talk. He's a down to earth guy and it was great to hear him talk about how much he loves agriculture and the importance of E15 when they are racing!

Dave and I with the one and only, Kenny Wallace!
Dave with Kenny Wallace

Dave and I took advantage of seeing the drivers up close and personal during pre-race. I didn't really know any of the drivers, but it was great to be able to see Dave so gitty and excited! 
Dave and I shortly before pre-race.
We got home on Saturday evening around 10:40 PM and our kids were still awake. I wasn't too pleased, but my Mom said, "This is how we raised all of you kids, we let you fall asleep when you were ready." At this point, I was thinking, okay she did raise six kids, but she didn't work outside of the home when we were little. Keeping the kids on a schedule is extremely important! I was hoping they'd sleep all night, but they didn't. R-man was up at 2:30 AM and wanted his mama!  I quickly snuggled him and he fell back to sleep. Both kids slept in until around 7:30, which is awesome! It's like a luxury when they sleep past 6 AM on the weekends.

Grandma & Grandpa Bruck with R-man and Little-C
On Sunday, we went to check out our house because we knew they were dry waling on Saturday morning. Dave told my Dad that they'd be done in one day and he didn't believe him. Well, they were! It's amazing how quickly those crews can work.

Once the kids were napping, Dave went to dig the potatoes in the garden. There is nothing like home grown potatoes!  Plus, they keep much longer than the store bought ones! 

Our home grown potatoes.
On Sunday evening before the night time rituals, we headed to the park. We had to get some fun in before the weekend was over, even I participated in going down the slide with R-man!

The kids enjoying the little slide.
I had to go down since R-man couldn't go down himself. I strongly dislike the curved one.

Little-C's expression says how much fun she's having!
R-man not appreciating his sister so much! She holds him a bit too tight.
One of these weekends we need to think about packing. I mean, seriously packing. Our move date is September 25, and that will be here before we know it.

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