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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up (7.10.15 - 7.12.15)

This past weekend was exhausting. I was literally ready for bed at 8 p.m., but I knew I had to get this blog post written and the photos edited or it wouldn't get done.

On Friday morning, we headed to the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo with the kids. We were excited about this trip before we left, but the trip home made us rethink our idea. Both kids were awake the entire ride and they screamed, fought over their toys, made us stop twice for the bathroom, and many other things. But, we thought these are the things they will remember so we kept on going.

We arrived at the zoo around 10:30 a.m. and both kids were excited. They wanted to see the gorilla's, giraffe's, monkey's, and elephants. But, come to find out, they don't have elephants at the zoo right now. We left around 4 p.m. and were completely exhausted. Dave and I both needed a nap after the long day.

Their favorite animal at the zoo - the giraffe.
Standing beside the pigs - well we think they are pigs.

Sharing their peanut butter and pretzel snacks.
Trying a selfie - the kids didn't like it.
A little family photo on the train.
Wonder if Mom will notice I'm pulling the goat's tail. He's such a boy.
Combing the goat.
 After we left the zoo, we headed to my sister Becky's house for the evening. We were excited to see her because it had been a long time. And, she just moved into her new house they built on Monday so we couldn't wait to see it.

After we got arrived, we ate a quick dinner and went to check out the park in near their neighborhood. The kids thought it was really cool, but I wasn't so fond of the sand.

The best we could do!
The Kinney kids having fun and teaching our kids a thing or two about climbing.
Even the adults are having fun.
Having fun on the teeter totter.
Playing music with the chimes.
Having fun surfing.
Having fun burying their cousin.
Later that evening, we just hung out as a family on my sister's new patio. The kids enjoyed hanging with their cousins.
Loving the Kinney whirlpool.
Just hanging out as cousins.
Sisters without make-up!
My favorite niece.
Dave and I had a great time with Jeff and Becky.
The next morning, we showered and hit the road to head to my brother Ray's apartment. His apartment complex has a swimming pool so we thought it would be cool to take the kids swimming. Little did we know, the pool wouldn't open until 11:30 a.m. This delayed our day just a bit.

R-man with Ray.

Having fun at the pool.
After we left Ray's apartment, we stopped by my other brother's house (Jason) as he just built a new home a few months ago. It was quick as it was the kids nap time.
Jason, Bailey and the kids sitting on Jason's front step of his new house.
After we left Jason's house we headed to the farm, but we drove slow because both kids were napping. When we got to the farm, R-man fell back to sleep once we got in the house, but Little-C didn't. An attitude sets in on a 3 1/2 year old when one only get's a 30 minute nap.

He loved driving the big tractor.
Not sure he likes being this close to the cows.
With grandpa Bruck feeding the cows.
She's not afraid of the cows.
Very carefully watching the cows as he tries to grab the bucket.

Feeding the cows.
Feeding the cows with the grinder and he's proud to be driving.
He was the brave one to feed the horses as his sister watched.
The best picture we could get of the kids with grandpa and grandma bruck.
Beautiful sunset overlooking a corn field.
On Saturday night, we headed to Dave's parents house for the evening. I was tired, Dave was tired and the kids were beyond tired. As soon as we got in the house, we bathed them and got them ready for bed. Thankfully they slept good! The kids had a great time playing with grandpa and grandma on Sunday morning before we headed home.
Having fun watching grandpa's trains.
The best photo we could get with grandpa and grandma Wilwerding.
I couldn't end the weekend without wish my wonderful husband a 12-year anniversary. We will celebrate this upcoming weekend by going to the Jason Aldean/Kenney Chesney concert at Target field in Minnesota! Kid Free!!!

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